Configuring Firewall and Ports

CDA requires you to have a small set of inbound and outbound TCP ports open. All ports assignments are configurable and can be changed in the configuration file of the components.

This graphic depicts the network connections in a typical installation and provides the default port numbers:

Since the components are distributed in different network areas, the following lists can help you with the port configuration.

Work Processes (WPs) Ports

Whereas Communication Processes (CPs) have an outbound connection, WPs must not be exposed to the outside and should be protected by a firewall.

Communication between WPs/JWPs and CPs ( WP/JWP <-> WP/JWP and CP <-> WP/JWP):

Inbound Ports (Automation Engine)

Outbound Ports

Automation Engine

Agents and Proxy



See also: